Kitty Genovese Case Study Social Psychology

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The bystander apathy experiment was influenced to take place after the murder of Kitty Genovese. The murder of Kitty Genovese was a good example of social psychology. Kitty Genovese was murdered in front of her home. Winston Moseley chased her down and stabbed her in the back twice. Due to the excruciating pain, Kitty screamed for help and a neighbor responded shouting at the criminal "Let that girl alone!" Immediately after getting the attention of the criminal, Winston fled the scene and left the girl crawling towards her apartment. Neighbors reported to have seen Winston left with his car and returned ten minutes after the threat of one of the neighbors. After seeing his victim lying on the ground almost unconscious, he stabbed the wounded Genovese several times more. After this, he stole the money …show more content…

This conversation will be over microphone and speaker just so the students will not be able to see the other students that they are talking to. The students will be talking about college life. Each student will be given two minutes to speak during their turn. All the microphones of other students will be turned off. The student is unaware that all the voices that the student will be hearing are all pre-recorded voices. The number of voices that the student will be talking to depends on how many is in the group. First is a by yourself, then one-on-one conversation and the last is a group of six participants (only one real student). One of the pre-recorded voices is that of an epileptic student who is having seizures. The voice will first confess to the group that he is prone to seizures and it could be life-threatening during its first turn. During its second turn (one-on-one and in group of 5), the seizure will start. The real student can only hear the event and he cannot see the actual participant who is having the

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