Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory

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This study is anchored on Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory. This theory proposed that moral reasoning of human beings is associated with the stages of development in solving moral issues that an individual encounters (Bjorklund & Blasi, 2010). Kohlberg’s moral development sees moral reasoning as progressing through three levels to support his claims. First, pre-conventional moral reasoning, it is characterized by apparent and physical events. The presentation of moral issues at this stage is concentrated with the rewards and punishments after the occurrence of their action. This stage is commonly exercised of children ages 4 to 10. In this stage, they follow the rules to avoid punishment and gain rewards. Some adolescents and adults …show more content…

Subjects are tested in both situations that are rated as high threat, high supervision and low threat and low supervision. Result shows a subject who has high moral development are less likely to cheat than those who have low moral development. However, on the other result gathered that if the subject with high moral development but with low supervision and low threat are likely to commit cheating as with high supervision and high threat with low moral development (Leming, …show more content…

Kohlberg challenged the traditional conceptions of morality. This traditional concept is the approach to understanding the relationship between moral judgment and moral behavior. There are two accepted main findings of the traditional research: (a) there is not necessary relationship between the content of moral reasoning, what people believe is right or wrong and moral; and (b) external situational demands determine behavior that is considered moral. Kohlberg holds that the behavior that conforms to conventional standards of right and wrong is not moral. According to Kohlberg, morality is a part of reasoning, not behavior. Behaviors that are can be considered moral are those that are determined by high level moral reasoning. Lying, cheating, and stealing are considered immoral for it follows low-level conceptions of morality. However, such behaviors are not considered moral or immoral by definition (Krebs & Rosenwald, 1994).
As individuals achieve higher cognitive ability, they are more capable of more complex reasoning about moral issues. Their inclination towards altruism and empathy develop as well. Adolescents are better in taking another person’s perspectives, in solving social problems, in dealing with interpersonal relationships, and seeing themselves as social beings. All of these inclinations foster moral development. According to Kohlberg it is the reasoning underlies in a person’s response