Kolb Learning Styles Paper

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This paper will discuss the types of academic concepts. There are many academic concepts, however only four of these concepts will be addressed. The first academic concept addressed is Kolb learning style. Kolb learning style can be broken up into four categories such as accommodating, assimilating, converging, and diverging. The second concept P.O.W.E.R. Learning, which stands for prepare, organize, work, and rethink helps to establish success academically. The third academic concept is Self-motivation which encompasses remaining motivated during one’s academic career being very important. The last academic concept addressed is “What is success?” This concept focuses on knowing success and what it means individually, as professionals are striving …show more content…

M. 2013 p. 1). The four styles of Kolb learning style diverging, assimilating, converging, and accommodating. Kolb’s diverging learning style speaks about learning through visual representation and touch. The best way to teach individuals with this style of learning is with visual aids. Kolb diverge learners do not like to work alone, but rather as a team. Also those …show more content…

Become aware of possible challenges instead of becoming frustrated use the challenges as fuel. Self-motivation begins with “self” i.e. self is apart if the word therefore defining self- motivation is simple. When question come to mind “can I do this”, “what have I gotten myself into”, and why am I qualified”? Being in tune with what motivates you to achieve all you have planned and dreamt of for so long is actually what you deserve. Academically self-motivation determines if you receive an A in your classes or an F, also whether you graduate with honors or not. Tell yourself “I got this” the journey ahead may appear far off however in the end the reward of your hard work will prove worthy. People have different methods of motivating their