Kraft Mondelēz And Whitfield Food Audit

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Every day in the United States, millions of pounds of food are produced, distributed, and consumed. This seemingly unrealistic feat is made possible by the complex food distribution system our country operates on. Even with this intricate system however, the opportunity for improper handling and contamination is still likely. Fortunately, there are several defenses in place whose sole purpose is to maintain the integrity and quality of the products we consume as they are traveling along the distribution channels. No system is fool proof, however, and even with these safeguards in place, mistakes are made and adulterants make their way into our food supply.
Past and recent food safety outbreaks have caused consumers to question and scrutinize …show more content…

These types of audits are completed to ensure that a contractor is meeting the requirements outlined in a previously established agreement between the two entities. Even further, the audit assess the effectiveness of the suppliers’ food safety systems in providing safe foods or ingredients (4). Pulling from real world examples, Snyder’s-Lance is regularly audited by Kraft-Mondelēz and Whitfield Foods is audited by PepsiCo. Kraft-Mondelēz and PepsiCo are performing 2nd party audits of these companies in order to not only protect themselves from the risk of a product with their brand resulting in a recall, but to also ensure product consistently from one batch to the next. Second-party audits can be completed on site or they can be accomplished by reviewing documentation that had been previously submitted by the supplier. Items that are usually evaluated within 2nd party audits include the need for special controls over processes, requirements about product coding and traceability, follow through of special cleanliness standards, or any other items that are specifically outlined in the company/supplier contract. If major deficiencies are found, the company has every right to protect its brand and reject the supplier as a business partner. It is important to note that this type of audit is only between the customer and the supplier, there is no certification involved, only verification of processing