Monsanto Ethical Responsibility

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As a consumer, it is wise to be informed about what someone would put in their body. If a doctor prescribes a new medication to a patient it would be smart to look up the drug and learn about it and everything used to make it. So why not do the same with food? Most healthy eaters check the nutrition label and ingredients on most foods they buy, but what about the companies that don’t put accurate labels on their products and the safety inspectors that do not do their job?
Big companies should not be able to control what the public knows about its product when it comes to safety and nutrition. In the film Food, Inc. by Robert Kenner in 2008, one part talks about how big food companies have fought for rights to not have to put labels on their products and hide all of the nutrition and ingredient facts. Also …show more content…

Monsanto has caused a lot of problems for farmers. Basically controlling them and with Monsanto being a multinational and multimillion dollar organization makes it impossible for small farmers to fight back so they have to lay down and let Monsanto bully them. Monsanto controls how farming is done and is the leading producer of genetically engineered seed. They have had lawsuits over what they’re doing to plants and some of their product. With the power this corporation has financially and politically they have a very big curtain to hide what they’re really doing to and what they have been putting in their products making it almost impossible to know what is in it. Also since they have power within the FDA, Monsanto is not being regulated as they should be. In one article it states, “In some instances, these resources are not available in a format that is usable and readily accessible to PHIs, or the information is not targeted to their needs.” (par. 4). Here Pham is talking about how some health inspectors do not even have the right resources available to them for one to even do his or her