
Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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Many of us know what Isis and Al-Qaeda has done to us terrorist wise. Terrorist are responsible for many negative events, but who was before them? The answer is the KKK, born in raised in the U.S.A on December 24, 1865. The KKK was a major threat to the country before terrorist and they raised severely during the 1920’s.The rise of KKK is responsible for many negative events that have occurred in the 20th century from lynchings to burnings to bombings of children. The movie " Rebirth of a Nation" was responsible for a lot of the KKK population growth which reached 4,000,000 in 1924. The government in the 1920's took a while to put down the KKK while citizens and political news post felt that the KKK was starting to take over the United States. …show more content…

The Ku Klux Klan is a violent organization that believes in white supremacy, white nationalism, anti- immigration, anti- Catholicism, semitism meaning they don’t like jews, and nordicism which is an endangered race all being the American way of life. This organization was originally founded by six confederate veterans, December 24, 1865, Pulaski, TN. The Klan targeted many people in the 1920’s including New Immigrants', African Americans, Mexicans, Jews, Catholics, Asians and any groups who represented "un-American" values or beliefs, such as organized labor. The KKK was very nerve wrecking, violent and has been responsible for many terrorist acts including, lynchings, bombings, shootings, and much more mostly aimed at African Americans and children of young …show more content…

There has always been four seasons and we are in a cold one. African Americans were always in a cold season while the KKK was in politics and in control of society. However, today we are also getting colder, sure Donald Trump is not in the KKK but we are getting cold. The hatred of politics then and now might be similar and may or may not have some of the same effects in our society. What were the effects of African Americans and other minorities disagreement of political officials? More people were in support of republicans and the organization which led to more violence and too much powers in which the government held. You could literally post the requirements of being a Klansmen on a pole like you were in search for a lost dog. Popular movies such as “Rebirth of a Nation”, gave America the idea that blacks were dangerous and we needed more KKK membership to protect our nation. Promotions of the KKK was also done through songs such as "The Old Rugged Cross" which was a popular hymn written in 1912 by song-leader George Bennard. He was also an evangelist, “which is someone who seeks to convert others to the christian faith.” With a lot of promotions of the KKK and large rallies led by the KKK they were able to reach four million members in 1924. The rise of the KKK was a successful rise but went from 4 million member in 1924 to just a few hundred thousand

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