Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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What started as a group of six men turned into a terrible law governing the lives of the blacks. The KKK was originally a group of six men created in may 1866. The KKK, often referred to as “the Klan”, went through many names before settling with the klukos, later changing it to Ku Klux.The Klan has had three klans throughout its history. The first Klan had an unknown number of members but the second Klan from 1915-1944 had 3,000,000 to 6,000,000. (Wikipedia. "Ku Klux Klan." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Oct. 2001. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.).
The KKK has been around for along time but not always so large. “... formed the Ku Klux Klan purely as a social club that the club then broadened into a racist organization that regulated the lives of the black people”. (Bartoletti). Originally the Klan was not a huge racist group but a simple club for a few friends. The Klan also created names for the important roles in the group; Grand cyclops, or the President; Grand Magi, or vice president. (Bartoletti). …show more content…

Some victims would even have to sleep on the floor,”... she and her husband and children slept on the cabin floor to shield from themselves during the Klan’s raids.” (Bartoletti). The Klan would raid the black people’s homes and steal from them. The Klansmen would act as if they had “supernatural powers”, “They paraded about the cabin, showing off ‘supernatural powers’...” (Bartoletti). The government tried to create peace, “ For one year, the government agency was supposed to provide food, medical care, and education for war refugees of both races and to help negotiate wages and working conditions...”