Kylie Jenner Cosmetics Research Paper

281 Words2 Pages
Celebrities are known from their fame and glamourous lives, envied by many people. Celebrities can also use their fame to get themselves some money in the marketing industry. They often use their fame and glam to sell products to target audiences that envy, or wish to be like them by buying the product. A very popular example is Kylie Jenner and her cosmetics line Kylie Jenner Cosmetics. Kylie Jenner is the all too popular reality star, and became more well known for her big lips, makeup, and fashion. She started a cosmetics line with her famous Kylie Jenner lip kits, and promotes it regularly. This shows, that by using her fame and popularity of her makeup, fashion, and big lips, many fans that wish to be like her are willing to buy the product.

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