La Vita E Bella Essay

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La Vita é Bella is an Italian film directed by Roberto Benigni, he also starred as Guido Orefice, and was released in 1997. The movie shows the suffering World War II caused Jewish families around the 1940’s, and how the Orefice family tried to overcome trials together. Roberto Benigni used different cinematic techniques such as costumes, language, and set design to convey cultural diversity in the film La Vita é Bella.
Roberto Benigni uses specific costumes and makeup to suit certain roles that are of different cultures. The main characters, Guido, Dora and Josh Orefice are from Italy. The Italian clothing in the 1940’s was colourful and bright with one colour per outfit. Benigni captures this in his movie by putting the characters in traditional …show more content…

The film is a foreign film, focusing on the challenges it caused Jewish Italian families so Benigni specifically used the Italian language. It would not make sense for Guido Orefice to speak in German, as he is an Italian. Benigni knew this and applied this to his film in the form of language. The native Italian language unites all the Jews throughout the movie. On the other hand, all though it was an Italian film, it had the German language to suit the German roles and the American soldier spoke English. The different cultures also had different ways of speaking. For example, the Nazi soldiers were very firm and loud to represent leadership or superiority that the Nazis had in World War II, while Guido and other Italians had a quieter voice but more caring and full of emotion. Another technique that Benigni used to show cultural diversity was body language. The Nazi troops would walk with straight posture and would walk tall to show power and control. The Italians would not have this posture of dominance or leadership as they were seen as the minority so Benigni showed this through the body language. Roberto Benigni uses spoken language and body language to show the cultural diversity throughout World War II in the film La Vita é

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