What Causes Lagging In Children

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CHILDREN LAG AFFECTS THEIR LIVES Many factors influence what is called lagging in children. Children who lag behind tend to fall short on their physical as well as psychological growth. The following factors explain the cause and effects on children exposed to certain factors which cause their poor development. • Effect of television on children: Some studies suggest that children, specifically in their early years, who are exposed to too much tv learn to talk slowly. Their language development is slow. Babies are often exposed to tv from their early years as a distraction and some time-off for the mother. But it has deterred mental effects on intelligence. TV is linked with slower language acquisition because TV time tends to displace conversation time between babies and adults. But not all tv is bad. Studies also suggest that children exposed to informative media, like kids who watch shows like ‘blue’s clues’ have enhanced …show more content…

When the cause of a child's delay is identified, the pediatrician and family know better what to expect, and the child can begin to receive appropriate treatment and support. If the problem is a genetic disorder, then parents may seek genetic counseling regarding their decision on having additional children. Toddlerhood Between the ages of 12 and 30 months, a child begins to strike out independently from a secure base of trust set up with the primary caregiver during the first year. As toddlers learn to walk, there is access to new territory. Boundless energy and insatiable curiosity drives the child to explore the environment and master new skills. Increased motor skills, immaturity, and lack of experience also place the toddler at risk for accidental injury. Children with developmental delays may tend to be more reserved and less adventuresome. They may tend not to explore their environment or take risks in