How To Cyp Core 3.2 Health And Social Care Level 3

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Case Study 2
As a setting it is our responsibility to note down all events seen, including the date, time and where it took place. It is also important to monitor this, seeing if the child comes to the nursery like this often, or on particular days. It is our duty to safeguard the child and if we feel that they are being 'neglected' we have the right to report it. However, we could support the mother by having an informal meeting, talking about any issues that she may be having. We can also support the children by creating a safe and welcoming environment, allowing them to feel comfortable to be able to talk to staff if they have any problems. The younger child, however can be supported by ensuring she has clean clothes when she comes into the setting, so that she is not comfortable. We could support all children and mum by monitoring the children's behaviour, learning and development more regularly, making it more efficient to act upon if something begins to slip, such as their development in health and self care. Within this case, it would be crucial to support self care skills by making activities to improve the children's knowledge on, for example the morning routine (getting dressed and brushing teeth for example). …show more content…

They may also isolate themselves from their peers and adults that they may have had an attachment to. This can impact many development areas such as speech, communication and language. This may then create an atypical development that the child may face, meaning that they lack in learning compared to their peers in areas such as their self care, if their role models (the mother) are not providing an 'example' that they can learn