Understand The Importance Of Safeguarding Essay

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Child and young people need to be respected and valued, and need their views to be listened too, to feel valued. They require stable support which doesn’t change constantly, to help them meet their individual needs, relationships are built on trust and mutual respect. We need to always listen actively to children and young people, take in their views and opinions seriously, work as a team to decide on the best approach to support the child’s needs. Failings in safeguarding is usually down to losing focus on the main importance, the child’s needs! And considering their views or putting the feelings and interests of adults ahead of their needs. To have an effective safeguarding system we need to have the child as the focus, which we call a child …show more content…

Child centred approaches in school are encouraged and supported by the legislations and codes of practice in place in schools such as the children act (1989) which required LA to consider fairly the wishes of the child, equality act (2010) which supports the equal rights of all children to have access to the required and appropriate services as required, the SEND code of practice (DfE 2014) details the specific requirements of safeguarding children with special educational needs. And also, the rights of the child (1989) act, which stats that children have a right to express themselves freely as individuals and receive accurate information. These are the main legislations and codes of practice with regards to safeguarding children and encouraging a child-centred