Responding To The Evidence Of Safeguarding Essay

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Responding to the evidence of safeguarding concerns it is extremely important for every one wo work with children or young people to fully understand their own responsibilities in relation to safeguarding issue one of the most important thing to remember is that if you ever have a concern about the welfare of child or young person you should always make those concerns know to an appropriate person.
In most work situation that will be your manager or supervisor local safeguarding children board and statuary or organisation with operate with each local area to ensure the services co-operated promote the welfare of child and young person.
Many children living is abusive or harmful situation or in constant state to anxiety and can be therefore …show more content…

In most work situation that will be your manager or supervisor local safeguarding children board and statuary or organisation with operate with each local area to ensure the services co-operated promote the welfare of child and young person.
Many children living is abusive or harmful situation or in constant state to anxiety and can be therefore be very difficult for them to talk to anyone else about.
The act of a child or young person telling you or she has been abused harmed or bullied is called disclosure the detail can be distressing to hear and how to responded to a disclosure is an important part of professional practice. Some of the key action should take over include;
 listen carry fully without showing shock or disabled,
 do not ask leading Question.
 Accept the child and young person’s say and do not rush