
Safeguarding Children's Welfare

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Nurturing a healthy, happy environment for children is imperative for a healthy upbringing. Development, such as physical, emotional and social are focused on when protecting children and their welfare. Protecting their welfare goes beyond protecting an individual child, the welfare and safety of children is a political and social concern. ‘In England, safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare is defined by the government as ‘protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s health or development, ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care’ (Department of Education, 2013). Not only is there expected to be protection within a child’s home, school and other …show more content…

The Byron review focuses on the welfare of children and how their welfare can be protected and enhanced whilst using the internet. Although the use of the internet is seen as beneficial in the digital age as it can be useful for learning, obtaining knowledge and communication, inappropriate material can be found on the internet and in the content of video games and can affect children’s safety and welfare. Parental responsibility is an important part of keeping children who use the internet safe, however children’s welfare is a shared responsibility between parents, government and industry, such as people who certify material for age appropriate …show more content…

Importantly, children’s services and the government also share responsibility and provide protection, promotion and safeguarding through laws, policies and knowledge of potential risks that children may encounter online. Websites such as ‘The UK centre checklist’ is an important tool as it provides a fun way of gaining knowledge, and providing advice to enable children to make choices about using the internet safely. The links to such organisations such as ChildLine, gives children the opportunity to interactively learn about online, and how to protect

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