Write An Essay On Dyslexia

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insensitive to other people’s body language. Dyslexia often affects oral language functioning. Affected persons may have trouble finding the right words, may stammer, or may pause before answering direct questions. This puts them at a disadvantage as they enter adolescence, when language becomes more central to their relationships with peers.
The peer status of children with dyslexia declines over the course of a school year; that is, many children with dyslexia who have average social status at the beginning of the school year are seen as neglected or rejected by the end of the school year (Kuhne & Wiener, 2000). Friendship experience as a highly significant component of preadolescent development in that children acquire interpersonal sensitivity and receive validation of the components of their self-worth through this dyadic relationship. Important features of friendship that have been investigated in children with dyslexia include the number of …show more content…

Good social, emotional and psychological health helps protect children against emotional and behavioural problems, violence and crime. According to Bradshaw et al.,(2007) two main approaches to measuring child well-being can be taken: a rights-based approach or an empirical approach, including research on subjective measures of well-being. They take a rights based approach, with the following understanding of child well-being: "Child well-being and deprivation represent different sides of the same coin. From a child rights perspective well-being can be defined as the realisation of children’s rights and the fulfilment of the opportunity for every child to be all she or he can be. The degree to which this is achieved can be measured in terms of positive child outcomes, whereas negative outcomes and deprivation point to the denial of children’s