Why Does Disability Affect Children's Development

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Question 1:
There are many reasons why children's and young people's development may not follow the expected pattern some of these are:

• Having a disability: having a disability can have a major impact on many areas of development. For example a physical disability would affect the way the child gets around or they may need to have extra support like bigger pencils. Having early supports with disabilities can help to minimise the effects of the disability.

• Emotional reasons: Children who have poor attachments may lack confidence to try new things and will have a lack of motivation. They could have low self-esteem, this can be detrimental to a child's development. They may not want to go into school because of other children bullying them. …show more content…

Joe could have special treatment from the teacher because of this and other children may exclude him. This will affect Joe’s confidence and he may begin to resent learning as he can’t do what all the other children can. A way to keep Joe motivated and enthusiastic about school would be to adapt activities so Joe can also take part and make sure not to exclude Joe from the other children. You need to build up Joe’s self esteem, this way if anyone tries to bully him or make fun of him he will have enough resilience to stand up for …show more content…

Children could be bullied because they are different this will have a detrimental effect on their self-esteem and self-confidence and will also affect their learning and development. There are different forms of disabilities and they all affect people different ways for example a learning disability or a physical disability. An autistic child has a developmental Disability and this affects the way in we communicate and relate to other people and the world. A child or young person may find it hard to understand facial expressions or tone of voice. They could feel lonely or cut off from others, they may avoid social interaction. This could affect the way they interact in the classroom and their ability to develop. An example of a physical disability that could affect the way children develop is Cerebal palsy, this is a condition that affects the movement, posture and co-ordination of a person. They could just be affected physically or they may have seizure, epilepsy or difficulties with speech and language as