Lamb Inquiry 2009 Analysis

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Q. The Lamb Inquiry 2009 describes parents as experiencing an “unthinking. Uncaring system that doesn’t listen to them or take their concerns seriously” (paragraph 4.46 on p. 61) Discuss if this statement is still an accurate reflection of the issues facing parents today. The House of Common Education and Skills Committee in the year 2007 published “Special Educational Needs: Assessment and Funding”. It was mainly published to build parents’ confidence in the special educational needs (SEN) in order to provide facilities to children with SEN. Government in order to promote this set up a group of advisers who can help in increase parents’ confidence in this SEN assessment program. Brian Lamb was a reformer in the present system of SEN. …show more content…

This statement is an accurate reflection of the issues facing parents today because the government provides us with various norms, acts, provisions, policies we cannot lack behind in coping up. Yes, there is still a need to be sensitive towards students with SEN. Neither the schools, nor the society accepts students with SEN in the mainstream. They show indifferent behavior towards them which loosens the morale and confidence of students with SEN. It ultimately leads to deterioration in their growth. There should be inclusive school practices. Teacher assistants are employed to support learners with SEN. It will remove barriers to students’ learning and will improve students’ self- esteem, make them confident to participate in activities. In addition, it will help them in decision-making on their own. Parents are still fighting for provisions. They experienced lack of communication; their children and families faced traumatic effects. They did not get any financial aid and support as given in the statements. Mostly, parents felt that their children were unable to cope in the schools. The schools mostly kept their focus on academics and exams, paid less attention to social needs of children. Students with special needs left with low self-esteem and hardly any qualification. Parents also felt that OFSTED did not inspect …show more content…

Douglas Silas Solicitors. The Lamb Inquiry. Available at 6. Special Needs Jungle. (2009) The Lamb Inquiry- A Review. Available at http://www.specialneedsjungle.comilable/the-lamb-inquiry-a-review/ 7. Support Services for Students with Special Educational Needs in Ordinary Schools. Available at 8. The National Archives. (2009) Special Educational Needs and Parental Confidence. Available at 9. University of Manchester. Inclusive Education for all: A Dream or Reality?. Available at 10. University of Warwick. (2010) Final Report: Increasing Parents’ Confidence in Special Educational Needs System. Available at 11. Wikipedia. The Lamb Enquiry 2009. Available at