Basic English Language Skills Essay

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Language is one of the most important areas of human development.It is a vital tool for communicating thoughts and ideas.English language is considered to be the most widely spoken language in the world today.
The four main skills of the English language are reading, listening, speaking, and writing. A person needs a mastery of various elements to use the language to convey thoughts, wishes, intentions, feeling and information in a written form. The four basic English language skills are divided into two categories receptive skills and productive skills. Reading and listening are considered receptive skills whereas speaking and writing are known as productive skills. (Javed, Juan& Nazli:2013,p.130)

Writing is one of the basic EFL skills. Banat(2007) …show more content…

g. the use of dictogloss can be (regarded as a means of integrating) and communication by process” (as cited in Abbasian& Mohammadi, 2013, p. 1371).
Dictogloss task involves the students in collaborative reconstruction of written texts and make them, in either tasks, equally focus on form as they collaboratively construct the texts (Swain & Lapkin, 2001). Moreover, they suggested that the dictogloss led the students to notice and reconstruct complex syntactic structures. Lee (2001) focused on the collaboration feature of the dictogloss task and proposed that a collaborative output task of dictogloss help learners be more pleased, have good feelings when they are working collaboratively and consequently learn to use language effectively .Smith (2012) states
“Dictogloss, in which listening is the input, that is the material, speaking is the communication tool, and writing is both the input and the output, or the product, is a collaborative task that promotes communicative competence through the use of all four skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) while primarily shining a light on