Latter Day Saints Research Paper

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormonism, started in the 1820s, founded by Joseph Smith. In this essay, I will most often refer to this group of people as Latter-Day Saints, as this is an umbrella term to include those who take part in certain taboo practices, those who do not, and all denominations. Over 15 million people belong to the LDS Church in the world, 6 million of these people from the United States as of 2014 (LDS Statistics) The majority of Latter-Day Saints reside in Utah, but there are thousands of members in Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Tonga, and Samoa (Mormon Church Demographics). Some of these people practice polygyny, but many more modern Latter-Day Saints do not. Regardless of how many people practice this religion, others have remained confused or ignorant about their traditional and modern practices. Church of Latter-Day Saints has four standard works, including the King James Version of the Holy Bible, The Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price ( The Holy Bible is considered to be the word of God, just as the Book of Mormon is. The Book of Mormon is thought to contain the writings of American prophets. It was published by Joseph Smith in 1830 (Smith, Joseph). It is said that this scripture was not written by Joseph Smith, …show more content…

I’ll skim over a couple of the Articles that contrast greatly with other religions. Article 1 says “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost”. This refers to God and Jesus Christ as living, skin-and bones humans, but Jesus Christ is supposedly perfected and glorified. The Holy Ghost, also known as Holy Spirit, “witnesses the Father and the Son” (2 Nephi 31:1). Also, Satan is believed to be the brother of Jesus Christ (Jesus Brother of