Laura Bassi Research Paper

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Women played a major role in science but it was hard for them to get the credit for it. Back in the 16th, 17th, 18th, centuries a woman could not teach science at any university. during the 18th century a woman was place in three different group or categories. Group one that they were equal but they were still treated differently. Group two they were supposed to be potentially equal in society but whoever said that was so wrong. Group three was so disrespectful toward a woman because they say a woman was socially and mentally low grade or class to a man. That a sexes thing to say. This is not just a man world. I guess a man thought a woman place in world was at the house or in a salon. A woman had no place in the science world during this time. Don’t get wrong there nothing wrong with being a stay at home but even back a woman minds is her most powerful weapon. Even back then some women helped their husband in their lab at home and they still get credit for that. There are a lot of things that a woman …show more content…

She was the woman newton of science. She was also the first one woman o record to teach at a college. She had 28 paper to be published. Maria Agnesi became the first woman in to write and publish a math book. The University of Halle gave it first PHD to a woman name Dorthea Erxleben. The Royal Swedish Academy let Eva Ekeblad become the first woman to enter the door. Maria Coeli was foolish enough to do an experiment with smallpox on her and her family but the only good thing from it was the antidote she created for at the time. Maria Donne was one of the first women to practice to medicine. Marie Biheron invented wax models. The first woman to win a gold medal was Caroline Herschel. Christine Kirch helped invented the astronomical calendar. Faustina Carafa bacame an Italian scientist. See a woman was good for something in the 18th