Lb Agar Lab Report

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Discussion: Since the plate represented by Figure 1 does not contain plasmid, there will not be any transformed cells. There is also no antibiotic ampicillin, therefore the cells will not die but they will grow and replicate since it is on the LB agar plate. Therefore on this plate there are only the normal E.coli cells. The LB agar plate is a favorable environment for the bacteria to grow and replicate at its optimum rate (Sezonov, 2007). The plate represented by Figure 2 should not have any bacteria growing on it as it contains the antibiotic ampicillin to which the E. coli bacteria are not resistant. The cells on this petri dish do not contain the pGLO plasmid etiher, which means that they would not produce the GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) and thus would not fluoresce green when viewed under a UV-light. This results in a petri dish with no bacterial colonies. Figure 3 shows a Petri dish with 17 colonies on an LB nutrient agar plate containing ampicillin and the plasmid (+pGLO/LB/amp). On this plate there should be many colonies growing only if transformation was successful. The bacterial cells containing the pGLO plasmid, will be antibiotic resistant and will therefore be able to grow and multiply on the plate. The colonies that appeared means that the …show more content…

There should also be many bacterial colonies on this petri dish since the transformation is successful. These colonies contain pGLO, which means that they are antibioctic resistant and will therefore grow. The colonies are cream in color, and when viewed under ultra violet light, the colonies glow green. The colonies are able to glow green under UV light due to the arabinose, which is found on the plate. The plate contains arabinose, which is a sugar that allows for the colonies (containing GFP) to be visualized under UV light as it is a necessary energy

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