Leadership And Intelligence By Clawson J. G.

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The unpublished work of Pearson Education (2011) outlines, 5 core areas of self-awareness which are: Emotional Intelligence, Values, Attitude towards change, cognitive style, values and core self-evaluation which identifies underlying personality attributes. In his work “Leadership and Intelligence” Clawson J. G (2001) asserts that “people who are emotionally adept are at advantage in any domain of life…including picking up the unspoken rules that governs organizational politics”. While people make organizations and organization makes people, leadership is at the center of shaping organizational outcomes, impacts or results. The need for leaders to stay ahead, understand the motivations, the undertones underpins while leadership self-assessments …show more content…

You will want to examine your skills, traits, competencies, abilities, and experience. Since the days of the ancient Eastern and Western philosophers, such a rigorous self-assessment has been seen as the starting point for success, little wonder Socrates said “Know thyself” is a key lesson of life”. Thus knowing yourself is both key to developing oneself and developing others – a key trait of leadership. Bill George et al (2007) opined that “We all have the capacity to inspire and empower others. But we must first be willing to devote ourselves to our personal growth and development as leaders.” In outlining the benefits of self-assessment amongst students, Duncan Nulty (web) outlined some significant benefits that accrue to students, who participate in self-assessments. Such benefits include “ownership, motivation and commitment to learning outcomes of self-assessment …show more content…

In a typical day, team members take off time to pray at intervals and outreach and clinical services to clients had to stop, until people return back from prayers. While management was happy for people to practice whatever religion they like, some members of the team used those “prayer times” for truancy. One of my first tasks was to review performance and productivity of existing team members, while hiring new team members. You can imagine the news that went out to stakeholders and “bitching” within the team? Within 3 months, the first set of new 2 senior managers, recruited where Christians and from the south (I’m from the south as well) and I fired off, a “prominent” member of the team from the North, who is also Moslem, who was a perpetual female truant and a poor performer using approved organization metrics, which were existent prior to my