
Leadership Application Essay

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13. What makes you a qualified candidate for a values-based leadership program?

I believe I am a qualified candidate for this program because I feel as though I posses the qualities of a leader and through this program I feel as though I can make great strides to even further my potential as a leader. As a freshman with at least 3 years of college remaining I feel as though I can only grow as a person and I feel as though horizons is one of the best ways for me to make positive changes around me. Throughout my life and especially in college leadership has grown to be one quality that I view being the most valuable skills that someone can have. From personal experiences I have come to realize that in any leadership situation one’s personal …show more content…

In any situation where leadership opportunities are present I feel as though it is often the most courageous is the one to take charge and step into the leadership role. I think that in any type of leadership the confidence of the leader has a direct correlation to how present and how effective they are at the role. It's essentially required that a leader is confident in their actions and words due to the fact that if they ever want to be taken seriously and truly looked up to as a leader they need to represent themselves as reliable and courageous. One of the most courageous thing anyone can do, in my opinion, is the ability to hold oneself and others responsible for their actions and decisions and as a …show more content…

I think that to change Sigma Chi it starts with changing myself which I hope will affect my chapter which will hopefully change the fraternity as a whole. The first thing I would hope to change is related to my chapter and its involvement on campus and in the community. While already heavily involved and represented, I believe that as a relatively large and influential part of the student body we can and should make more of an effort to increase our involvement locally through charities and attended and supporting other students and community members. While this is only a local change I feel as though it can extend and be implemented on a national level. With over 15,000 active members and nearly 300,000 total I feel as though setting up optional events in communities, with the help of chapters nationwide, is one of the best ways to connect Sigma Chi actives with alumni and also better the reputation and awareness of this fraternity as a

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