Leadership In America During The Last Five Years

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The action of leading a group of people or an organization., this is how Oxford dictionary defines Leadership. Mankind has seen many different leaders in multifold of situations, but they all had one thing in common, they met the needs of their people. While there were others who could have been chosen, these individuals met the desired criteria for what was, the epitome of leadership. In this essay I shall discuss the major leadership changes in the last five years, and how they established what we consider leadership today.
In America during the last few decades, studies of leadership traits and characteristics were conducted by research teams, such as Group Dynamics, to determine what people think contributes to leadership. Their results …show more content…

Those who are confident in how they act or what they say give a sense of pride to those around them and will encourage others to be confident in the work they do as well. Determined leaders strive to achieve the goals they have established or work towards, no matter how challenging it may be. These individuals inspire those around them to not give up even if the task before them seems impossible. Sociable leaders reach out to the people around them, to give a feeling of connectedness or community. They give their staff a welcoming environment to allow them to excel with their given …show more content…

They strive to ensure that their leadership shows those who follow them how to properly act. This can be a challenge to maintain, should that person be taken out of context or misunderstood their integrity could be damaged or lost.
Leaders are viewed by the power, influence, or authority they have over others. In the last five years the world has seen the rise and fall of many incredible leaders and each of them could be viewed as a turning point for what is viewed as leadership. We have seen many changes in the last five years, shifting in the governments, changes in the business industries, and even some changes in a few religious standings. Examples of this can be viewed in the recent election, President Trump, has stepped into the leadership role over the United States and has already made major improvements.
Since elected, President Trump has lowered the unemployment rate and is currently reworking our economic standings. He is working to give more power back to our military and is willing to defend the United States by displaying the power we posses to those who would wish to do us harm. There are some issues with his leadership that could be changed that may better his work, as some of the things he is doing could lower the number of people who follow