Leadership In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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A leader is someone you can look up to, listen to, and trust to be fair. “When challenged, they don’t give in too easily, because they know their ideas, opinions, and strategies are well-informed and the result of much hard work” (Economy). In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, Ralph is presented as the voted leader of the stranded boys who survived their plane crash arrival. Ralph competes against Jack, the antagonist, for his elected position. Throughout the novel, Ralph displays traits of his ability to assess, prioritize, and lead in a selfless manner. Ralph’s clear ability to assess situations and make the best decisions for the group allow him to be a great leader for all. Peter Economy states that a good leader considers all possible scenarios and makes plans to achieve success (2). Great leaders consider all the variables and all the things that could happen before making an informed decision. Ralph makes decisions after considering everything. That way, he is sure to make the best choice for everyone. “Only, decided Ralph as he faced the chief’s seat, I can’t think. Not like Piggy” (Golding 78). On the island, Ralph starts to learn that others have talents that are not like his. Ralph recognizes that Piggy is better at thinking and that everyone would benefit from Piggy’s intellectual knowledge. Additionally, Ralph knows that help is needed from everyone in the group in order to make the best of their situation on the island. As stated by William