Reflective Essay On Leadership Development

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Leadership development involves sharpening and incorporation of existing and new leadership styles in our day to day activities. There are various leadership styles that a person can incorporate in his/her life for instance autocratic leadership style, paternalistic leadership style, transactional leadership style, laissez faire leadership style, and democratic leadership style et al. Democratic leadership style represents my desired kind of leadership style since it meets my goals, objectives and traits of a good leader (DePree, 2011). Democratic leadership is anchored mainly by the principle of equity. Components of this leadership style needs to be reinforced with some components of other types of leadership styles for example transactional …show more content…

For instance those characteristics of dictatorial leadership style that can add value to democratic style include;it does not incorporate mistakes in decison making and actions taking this would greatly reinforce democratic leadership style.However dictatorial has some characteristics which would totally contradict the goals and objectives of a person using democractic leadership style.For example there is no freedom in decision making and their is no chance for asking …show more content…

Apart from creating clear paths and strategies I would also establish times for checking my progress in terms of where I have reached in the attainment of my goals. Setting of simple goalswould also determine how fast I would be able to accomplish my goals since they would be clear and focused. Creation of measurable goals for instance accountability can be measured in terms of how I would be accountable in terms of the outcomes I would be able to generate (Gardener et al