Legal And Ethical Responsibility Statement: A Career As A Teacher

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Legal and Ethical Responsibility Statement
My name is Taylor Carlson and I am 24 years old. My motive to become a teacher is that I love making a difference in others' lives. I will go out of my way to help anyone. I grew up with my family always reaching out their hand to anyone in need. No issue was too big or too small for them to turn away.
I learned that I always wanted to be a teacher since I was younger but as I got older I became to understand teaching more and what it entails which grew my passion. In high school, I was enrolled in child development where we ran a preschool in a high school for half a day. I learned very quickly I was passionate about this and wanted to make it a career. I very quickly became the mentor of the class. …show more content…

This policy states “ A person commits a Class A misdemeanor if he or she is required to make a report under Family Code 261.101(a) [see Duty to Report, above] and knowingly fails to make a report as provided by law. A person who is a professional commits a Class A misdemeanor if the person is required to make a report under Family Code 261.101(b) [see Duty to Report] and knowingly fails to make a report as provided by law. The professional commits a state jail felony if he or she intended to conceal the abuse or neglect. Family Code 261.109 A public servant, including a school administrator, who coerces another into suppressing or failing to report child abuse or neglect to a law enforcement agency commits a Class C misdemeanor offense. Penal Code 39.06” This code states anyone who is caught not reporting child abuse or neglect can be charged with a class A misdemeanor. If you are a government official like a teacher who gets caught not reporting child abuse or neglect will be charged with a class C …show more content…

If I have any questions or concerns if whatever I am doing may break one of these policies, I need to collaborate with my administrator as soon as possible for guidance. I will implement these policies in my everyday teaching as guidelines for my work so I can strive to be the best possible educator I can be for my students as well as help my students succeed and be the best possible version of themselves inside and outside the

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