Policies And Procedures: Course Catalog

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Course Catalog Project
1. Policies & Procedures
A .Two violations that might result in disciplinary action are infringement upon the rights of other members of the college community by physical or verbal assault or abuse and disruptive conduct in or near the classroom, which precludes the instructor or any other college employee from performing his/her function.
B. A student right would be that a faculty member is to encourage free discussions, inquiry, and expression. Student performance should be evaluated on academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. A second student right would be that a student has the right to receive a grade based upon a fair and just academic evaluation of his/her performance …show more content…

A faculty expectation would be for a student to maintain high academic standards (plagiarism and cheating is not tolerated), and for following the Student Code of Conduct. Each student is expected to learn the content of the course of study they choose/are assigned.
D. I didn’t realize in order to graduate each student has to fill out an application. I’ve learned by reading the student handbook the steps to changing my major. The steps to changing your major are:
1. Begin the change request process before the selection of courses for the next semester.
2. Either consult with your Curriculum Chair or go directly to the Register’s Office to complete the necessary form. The Registrar’s Office will process the change.
3. Mark an appointment to meet with the Curriculum Chairperson of your new major.
I’ve learned about the ambassador program, a program administered through the Office of Admissions that is designed to connect prospective students with current Westchester Community College students, providing a smooth transaction to college.
2. Academic …show more content…

In order to be reinstated if you are academically dismissed you must:
1. Raise your academic averages to satisfactory levels, in order to do so you must repeat the course or take new courses.
2. By working with the Counseling Office, a student may petition the right for reinstatement to a former or new curriculum. Where circumstances permit, a student may be accepted back into a full-time registered status or the college may accept the student back into an academically restricted status.
F. The honor program is an organization through which benefits of merit scholarships, special recognition at commencement, enhanced transfer opportunities, and the excitement and intensity of special seminars with talented professors are awarded to the members. Honor students attend off-campus trips and attend cultural events. Its members also lead the Abeles Dialogues in the spring.
G. A student can find out his/her grades at the end of the semester by logging online onto their MyWCC account, there you click the “STUDENT CENTER” link and under the drop-down menu in the “ACADEMICS” section, select “GRADES”.
3. Programs of