Legalization Of Marijuana Essay

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(1) My perspective on prohibition of marijuana has changed after hearing cases, facts, and stories how this drug helped people with certain diseases, ailments, cancers, etc. I agree with legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes, monitored by a physician, and have a doctor’s prescription. Although, if marijuana is not legalized, like cigarettes or alcohol, people will still find a way to buy and use marijuana. In 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, and the first to allow the medical use of marijuana. The District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and a total of 28 states allow for comprehensive public medical marijuana and cannabis programs. (2) Marijuana, the dried blossom of cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants, leafy annual plants with parts used for animal food, herbs, a common ingredient in medicines and hemp for rope-making. Marijuana’s medicinal uses trace back as early as 2737 B.C., when Shen Neng, the emperor of China, used cannabis tea as a treatment for gout, malaria, poor memory and rheumatism. **Before the 20th century, cannabis plants in the U.S. were unregulated, and thought to be first introduced by immigrants from …show more content…

The primary reasons against legalizing marijuana for social reasons include 1) some believe ingestion is immoral, 2) long-term or abusive use of marijuana can be harmful to a person’s health and well-being, 3) second hand smoke harmful to others, and 4) lead to use of harder, more harmful drugs such as heroin and cocaine. For law enforcement reasons, some believe that 1) individuals involved in illegal buying and selling of the drug are more likely to be involved in other crimes, and society safer with offenders incarcerated, and 2) law enforcement agencies don’t want to be construed as supporting drug