Leslie's Case Summary

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Presenting Problem:
Leslie is a 16 y/o female who is currently being detained until placement is found due eloping. Also has been demonstrated acting out behaviors, drug use, and association with gang member (which she denies affiliation with any gangs). Leslie struggles with her depression, self-injurious behaviors and association with negative peers. Yet, she frequently makes conflicting statements of wanting to do well and follow her home, school and community rules. Leslie was repeatedly confronted on her inability to be honest, skipping classes, associating with negative peers and substance abuse behaviors. She was manipulative and dishonest in treatment sessions as she would report going to school, but later found out that she skipped school to go to Walmart with her friends.

Court documents state that secure placement was needed due to MS-13 gang member have made a threat to her life in the community. She also exhibited difficulty with inability to comply with probation, home, school and community rules. Leslie was sexually abused by her step father in November 2013, who was deported as a result. Leslie is currently on probation for CHINS due to her history of not being able to follow rules and attending school.
Medical Hx: None Reported
Family composition/ Current Supports: Leslie …show more content…

Leslie and her family participated in intensive home based services from January 2014 to June 2014 with National Counseling Group. Leslie participated in therapeutic Day treatment with Youth for Tomorrow July 2014 to August 2014. Leslie was hospitalized in 12/2003 for x10 days at Popular Springs Facility for suicidal ideation. Leslie has a social worker from the department of social services that has been involved due to her behavior and history of sexual

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