Letter To Asa Don Brown: A Short Note On Failure

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To whomever this may concern, Feb. 23,2016 “Failure is good, failure is necessary, failure stimulates a desire for success.” - Asa Don Brown. This letter is presented to you because everyone fails at something at some point and you need to know that it is okay. You need to know that failing is okay and strengthens you for the next fail that’s coming your way. My first point in this letter is that failing makes you stronger. Studies show that you need to know how to fail before you succeed. Everyone knows how a great win feels when you rush to the endzone, stick a perfect landing, to hit the home run, but you have to fall a couple of times to get there! …show more content…

When you practice over and over again of course you're going to get better! My coach has always told me that when I keep practicing I can’t get worse! The same thing goes for failing because basically failing and practice are the same thing! When you fail over and over again while you practice that means your getting better and like I said earlier, you can’t get worse. My third and final point is it’s not their fault. If you fail a math test or miss the one and only shot to win, it’s not their fault it’s yours. Not to put you down ,but people tend to blame things they fail at on others because they do not know how to fail. So do you want to be this type of person? Do you want to blame what you did wrong on others? That is why you need to know how to fail. Like before, failing your math test could have many possible answers to why, but blaming it on your teacher would be like blaming a firefighter for purposely burning a house down. Maybe you forgot to study, or maybe you don’t understand it that well but that’s okay. My mom always told me that other kids that need help don’t raise their hand because their scared that everyone will think that they are dumb. Failing is okay and everyone does it. Yes sometimes it's embarrassing and you feel horrible but you always have to get back up and try it again. After you fail so many times, you will perfect it. After you fail, everything will be