
Letter To The Church At Corinth, By Paul

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The other NT scriptures that continue along with this same united theme found in our texts are extended to the actions required to achieve such unity. That would be putting away our old ways and taking on the new ways of Christ. This concept is supported in Romans 13:11-14, Colosians 3:5-14, and 1Peter 2:1,9 (E&H 2014). The theme of reaching maturity is also greatly reflected throughout the NT. One of the most popular versus to this theme is also authored by Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth. When I was a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me (1Corinth 13:11 NIV). That verse reflects not only the carnal act of growing up and maturing, but also the spiritual act of maturing in the Church of Christ.
Our Town While the direct lifestyles of the church at Ephesus and the lifestyles of us as North American’s, as it relates to technology, governmental practices, and social norms vastly differ. We can still garner virtually the same benefit from adhering to the advice the Apostle Paul is expounding upon in our passage. We too live in a society that fosters multiple ideologies. We too live in a country that regards it’s wealth and world …show more content…

We have the same bad habits as the Ephesians, of trying to bring our own preunderstandings and cultural bias’s into the Body of Christ. The only things that have truly changed are the name of the people that have to deal with them. However, the same gifts that Jesus bestowed upon the disciples as he ascended, are just as effective in our spiritual warfare as it was back then. The reason is as I just expressed. We are dealing with the same spirits. The same sentiments Paul was exhorting to the church at Ephesus; to walk worthy of the calling, and to edify one another in love, remains the responsibility of us

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