Lev Vygotsky: Constructivism And Rectivist Theory

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This chapter presents the relevant theory, review of related literature, conceptual framework and hypothesis to make the research clearly and understandable in connection with the study, “Pupils’ Perspective on Social Media as a Learning Tool.”
Relevant Theory
This paper is guided by the theory of Lev Vygotsky about constructivism or constructivist theory.
Lev Vygotsky’s is a Russian Psychologist, who stresses the importance of looking at each child as an individual who learns distinctively or different from another. The overall goal of education according to Vygotsky is to generate and lead development which is the result of social learning through internalization of culture and social relationship. With the fast advancement of technology nowadays, the teachers that will serve as the facilitator of learning and learner as an active participant support a constructivist theory. Wherein the teachers and students can work together to create a harmonious relationship between them and the understanding of particular topic will become easy for them through the use and help of social media. Social media as used for educational purposes can be beneficial for every student like us because we or they can use it in multiple ways. First is social media enhances peer interactions which establish an open lines or communication …show more content…

The students today have been labeled as Digital Natives by (Presky, 2001) because according to him “they spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, videogames, video cams, digital music players, cell phones and all the other toys and tools of the digital age.”A report from Pew Research Center (2010) revealed that 73% of the teenagers (meaning they are students) use some form of social networking by incorporating social media into the lives of the students in the