
Levin Firm Essay: Consequences Of Texting And Driving

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Levin Firm Essay Driving is dangerous! Recently, I was in an accident and had no distractions, my phone was in my pocket, the radio did not work so the music was off, and I was paying attention only to driving, but the roads were slippery/wet and I still got into an accident. Even without distractions there are many other things a cautious driver must be wary of, so by limiting the number of distractions the driver and their passengers will be safer. The actions a driver can do to limit their distractions is to:
1. Do Not Texting and Drive OR Talk on the phone and drive
2. Limit the amount of talking between the driver and passenger(s) if the driver is becoming distracted
3. Consider turning off the music/radio
4. Have a full goodnights sleep before getting behind the wheel
5. Limit the daydreaming to a minimum
6. Try not to eat or drink in the car …show more content…

Multi-tasking may be admirable skill to have but multitasking while driving is not advantageous. For example, I know someone who was in a car accident where a portable bathroom fell on the car, while there was almost nothing they could have don’t to stop it, they were lost in thought for a while and that small distraction allowed them not to avoid the portable bathroom.
I can even admit to getting lost in my thoughts when driving, and while I love listening to music on the daily, sometimes the lyrics and need to move along with the music can distract me and its bad when there is stop-and-go traffic. When music has too many things going on, it distracts the brain, even in a work environment some music genres are too stimulating that they decrease the productivity of the workers. But if the music is too slow like then it can cause a feeling of relaxation and sleepiness to occur, and falling asleep at the wheel is even more

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