Lewis Howard Latimer Research Papers

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Lewis Howard Latimer

Lewis Howard Latimer was a Black inventor and patent draftsman who improved Thomas Edison's original invention by patenting the use of a carbon filament which made possible the widespread use of electric light in public and at home. Like Thomas Edison, Lewis Latimer had little formal childhood schooling. His inventions included an evaporative air conditioner, an improved process for manufacturing carbon filaments for light bulbs, and an improved toilet system for railroad cars.Lewis Latimer invented a method for producing a more durable carbon filament, making incandescent lighting practical and affordable for consumers. Born in Chelsea, Mass. Latimer learned mechanical drawing while working for a Boston patent attorney. …show more content…

In 1864, at the age of 16, Latimer lied about his age in order to enlist in the United States Navy during the Civil War. Returning to Boston after an honorable discharge, he accepted a menial position at the Crosby and Gould patent law office. He taught himself mechanical drawing and drafting by observing the work of draftsman at the firm. Recognizing Latimer's talent and promise, the firm partners promoted him from office boy to draftsman. In addition to assisting others, Latimer designed a number of his own inventions, including an improved railroad car bathroom and an early air conditioning unit.Latimer's talents were well matched to the post civil war period, which saw a large number of scientific and engineering breakthroughs. Latimer was directly involved with one of those inventions: the telephone. Working with Bell, Latimer helped draft the patent for Bell's design of the telephone. He was also involved in the field of incandescent lighting, a particularly competitive field, working for hiram maxi and edison. Latimer's deep knowledge of both patents and electrical engineering made Latimer an indispensable partner of Edison as he promoted and defended his light bulb design. In 1890, Latimer published a book titled Incandescent Electric alighting: a practical description of the Edison system. He continued to work as a patents consultant until …show more content…

Electricity would be a great example. We're so used to having things like electric light bulbs that we sometimes forget these things had to be not only invented but made accessible to the average person. Somebody had to do that. Somebody like Lewis Howard Latimer, inventor, engineer, and draftsman of the 19th century.Throughout his career, Lewis Latimer would find himself involved with a series of very influential projects. His keen skill for drafting and expertise in electrical and mechanical engineering made him a valuable asset to many inventors of the era. One of these inventors was Alexander Graham Bell, who commissioned Latimer to create the blueprints for his 1876 patent of the