
Lgbt Persuasive Essay

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Over the recent years the LGBT community has worked hard to make themselves heard within society to achieve equality. Thus far they have been able to make the achievement of legalizing gay marriage throughout America. Though the LGBT community has made enormous accomplishments, their efforts to inform the American public that homosexuality and bisexuality is not an unnatural phenomenon has yet to be accepted as the truth among some. I view those who choose to not accept this as ridiculous, accepting it will not cause any harm or affect them in anyway. As one can presume from my response, I myself do not find anything wrong or unnatural about homosexuality or bisexuality. Reasons as to why I accept LGB+ people, and why others should too, is because I believe God created some like this for a reason, the “normal” (straight society) will remain unchanged, discrimination based on sexuality is wrong, and that everyone has the right to love.
My first argument as to why I believe homosexuality is not unnatural is that it was god intend to have some men like this. If god truly created man for the sole purpose of procreation, why has he also created some men with …show more content…

For years society has been setting achievable expectations for everyday people. Society feeds us information that is false, that is made to make members of the LGBT+ community feel ashamed of who they truly are. No one should not be forced to hide who they are in fear of what others might think/do for they can not change that and they do not need to change. To live a life having to hide your true identity, lying that you are happy, and having the constant fear that if you are to come out your family or friends might reject you. It was not until June 26, 2013 that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that section three of the “Defense of

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