
Life Of Children Of The Holocaust Essay

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Children of the Holocaust During World War II Adolf Hitler, Germany's supreme ruler, brought the Holocaust into play in 1933. Hitler and the Nazis strongly believed that the Jews were the reason Germany lost the World War I. Nazis established concentration camps and death camps for many Jews, of all ages, to be placed in, either for forced labor or simply to be killed. "The Nazis, obsessed with the notion of creating a ' biologically pure', 'Aryan' society, deliberately targeted Jewish children for destruction, in order to prevent the growth of a new generation of Jews in Europe". By 1945, when the war ended, there were approximately 6 million children who were murdered by the Nazis (Holocaust…). Children were murdered in many ways. Kids who were too young to work, were mainly sent straight to the gas chambers along with the people who were too old, sick, and disabled. Some victims were also used for experiments which were fatal. Many died of exhaustion, starvation, lack of shelter, and diseases (“Children”). Using gassing trucks was one of the many methods they used to murder these people. Another way they did this was by shooting more than 17,000 victims a day. This was called Erntefest. Children were immediately shot or those who were disabled and too young were sent to the concentration camps because apparently they were “useless eaters” and couldn’t get the job done (Berenbaum). There were many experiments that Doctor Josef Mangele, one of the horrible “doctors”, conducted on children such as injecting things inside them, or dropping chemicals into their eyes in hopes of changing the eye color. If the victims weren’t already dead, he injected …show more content…

There were many of them who never wanted to speak about it because they didn’t want to go back and re-encounter the horrible things they did to them. Although they have tried to move on with their lives, the memories still haunt

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