Limitations Of Transformational Leadership

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Transformational leadership has been defined as a style of leadership where leaders can inspire and motivate those who follow. James MacGregor Burns introduced transformational leadership in 1978. According to Burns (Burns, 1978), the process of transformational leadership is one in which “leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation. The purpose of my paper is to revisit my Comparison Matrix and compare the information from three empirical studies. This paper will make a comparisons of the research questions, sampled populations, and the limitations of study of three articles. I will study conclusions and recommendations for further research. “Transformational Leadership in the Public Sector: …show more content…

Some limitations were that the respondents included had an average age of 50. They were mostly Caucasian. Many respondents came from jurisdictions which had only 3 responses, this might not be representative other direct report opinions. To keep the survey short identifying transformational leadership was done with the number of questions reduced. Transformational leaders could possibly be falsely identified. Transformational leadership could possibly cause less hierarchal organizations as opposed to being the result. Proving which came first is yet to be identified. The results might be an indication of the 205 local governments studied, not other public …show more content…

It also shows that transformational leadership is not necessarily limited by organizational rules. Performance measures do not limit transformational leadership.
Emery & Barker (2007) shows through research an increase in job satisfaction and organizational commitment of customer personnel through transformational leadership. Results in Article 2 is indicative that more research could be done in transformational leadership and contingency rewards. We see that employees prefer charismatic transformational leadership. The results of this research indicates that further research is need to be for a bridging of the gap between personnel selection and leadership theory (Kuhnert & Russell, 1990)
Balyer (2012) results prove that transformational leadership for principals can be positive and can move a school forward. Recommendations are made for principals to be trained in transformational leadership methods, co-principalships, university trainings, degrees in educational administration, and that principals are chosen and appointed based on qualities and