9/17 Synthesis Of Articles On Leadership And Path-Goal Theory

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9/20/17 Synthesis of Articles Stacie Slabaugh
Week 5
This week’s literature departs from path-goal theory on the basis that, while path-goal theory specifies intrinsic valence of effort and goal attainment, the primary emphasis of research has been concerned with the effects of leaders on the expectations of followers (House & Shamir, 1993). The literature turns instead to transformational leadership in which, assert House and Shamir (1993), “intrinsic value of effort and goal accomplishment are increased by linking them to valued aspects of the follower’s self-concept, thus harnessing the motivational forces of self-expression, self-consistency, self-esteem, and self-worth” (p. 90). This paper will expound upon transformational leadership, to include its origins and criticisms, and in so doing, will review its relationship with charismatic leadership. …show more content…

According to Burns, “transactional leaders approach followers with an eye to exchanging one thing for another…these transactions comprise the bulk of the relationships among leaders and followers” (p. 3) Transformational leadership, on the other hand, involves influence, of and by, both the leader and the follower. It is a process of mutual influence. Leaders not only lead, but also develop other leaders. Expanding on Burns’ distinctions, Bass (1995) asserts that “Transforming leaders convert followers to disciples…and provide followers with a cause around which they can rally” (p. 467). These leaders are often described as having charisma. Charismatic leaders communicate a need for change and a persuasive future vision, and influence followers by arousing intense emotions. Their followers trust and respect them and have great admiration for them, perceiving the leader to be exceptionally talented, often revering them. (Conger, Kanungo, & Menon, 2000; Diaz-Saenz, 2014; Grant,