Lisa Kron Well Play Analysis

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The play Well was interesting, confusing, and comedic. Lisa Kron came out and at first I thought she was the narrator, but she was actually in the play. The play started off with Lisa Kron talking about illness and wellness. She wanted to know why some people would get over the sickness they had, but others stayed sick. Her mother was in the back sitting on a La-Z-Boy chair and was sick and the doctors did not know what she had. Lisa made it clear that the play wasn't about her. Her mother, Ann Kron, starts to correct Lisa on the things she is mentioning. Ann lets the audience know that there is much more to what Lisa is saying. Throughout the play we also see that Ann is that type of mother that will make your friends feel right at home. Therefore, I think the intended message of the play is that no matter what our parents do to embarrass us or try and control our lives they do it out of love. We may not understand where they are coming from most of the time, but they do it because they care. When I went to watch the play I feel like most of the students realized that being on our own can sometimes be difficult because …show more content…

She did a great job because throughout the production we see the playwright's memories from when she was a little girl and when she was in the allergy hospital when she was 19. We see the conflict occur between the playwright, Lisa, and her mother. She was starting to feel aggravated towards her mother because she was correcting all her memories and was saying she was not being entirely truthful about the situations. It got to the point where the actors decided to leave her play and were on Ann's side. Lisa was left with no one to continue with her play, so she let her mother take charge. This goes along with my message because her friends notice that Ann is just trying to be there for Lisa, but Lisa is thinking that her mother just wants to ruin her