Literature Review: Low Self-Esteem

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1-2-1 Definition of self-esteem : Research has offered that a student who feels self-complacent is more likely to succeed. As learners we have all experienced this feeling of being confident of our capacities to do something and this of course, has to do with a great desire, especially in academic setting. Thus, it can be said that second language acquisition it has a relation with psychology. Self-esteem is a psychological expression used to reflect a someone’s overall evaluation of his or her own worth. It refers to the evaluative and affective aspects of the self, to how "good" or "bad" we feel toward ourselves. It is the outcome of the self’s capacity for reflexivity, that is, the capability to look at oneself and to evaluate what one sees. Actually, self-esteem is very important factor in second language learning and academic achievements because, when learners do not trust in their capacities, or have the so called: “low self-esteem”, this will lead to “academic failure”. Thus, it can be said that, its absence produces the suspicion on learners ' own abilities which lead them to perform a low outcome due to the lack of self- confidence. Over and above, students who have low self -esteem are more likely to experiment anxiety. Consequently, we can say that anxiety is the motive of low self esteem. In this respect, learning a second language depends on the learner on a wider range. A somebody’s