Literature Review On Human Trafficking

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First draft. : Literature review essay One of the fastest growing and most profitable industries in the United States is human trafficking. According to a report from September 2017 from the international labor organization and the walk free foundation. An estimated 24.9 million people are victims of what is being refer to modern-day slavery. 16 million or 64% exploited for labor. This is a social injustice issue and threat to humanity as it has an impact on communities all around the world. As discouraging as this may to know that an industry selling and using humans for profit has been on a consistent rise, the compassionate and just side of humanity has also stepped up to try and protect and liberate victims of human trafficking. There Vare state, national and international policies in place to secure and enforce the human rights every human being is entitled to. The policies in place are aimed at protecting the individuals most vulnerable to becoming victims of human trafficking and assist them as they escape or are rescued from the industry. The U.S. government believes it is mostly women and children who are impacted the most by human trafficking. This is true in the sense that women and children are most easily coerced or forced into areas of trafficking. It is also important to know that the sex exploitation hits the hardest for women and children because the age wanted in the sex trade and sex work is continuing to get lower and lower, and the cultural norm of