Literature Review: The Sustainable Livelihood Approach And The Basic Needs

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7.1 Introduction

Progressively, the existence of NGOs is proving to be a necessity rather than a luxury in societies throughout the world. Impelled by the inadequacies of the government and the market, NGOs are taking a center stage in the area of service delivery (Heintz, 2006).To Chen (2014) service delivery is the distribution of basic resources citizens depend on like water, electricity, sanitation infrastructure, land, and housing. This study will focus on two areas of service delivery the water supply and sanitation services.
7.2 Theoretical Framework

The Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) and the Basic Needs Approach (BNA) make up the theoretical framework that is going to underpin this study.
7.2.1 The Basic Needs Approach

The International Labour Organisation (1976) introduced the concept of basic needs approach(BNA) in its report which proposed the satisfaction of basic human needs to be the overriding objective of national and international development policy. Basic needs are defined as firstly minimum requirements of a family for private consumption of food, shelter and clothing as well as certain household equipment and furniture. Secondly they include essential services such as safe drinking water, sanitation, public transport and health, educational and cultural facilities. All national and international development plans, policies and strategies should include, as a priority objective, the satisfaction of these basic needs of the

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