Live Today Well Summary

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Upon reading this book, I was overwhelmed by the simplicity this book offered. Since kindergarten I have gone a Catholic school, and during this I have had to read several books involving a variety of Catholic teachings, in which most them difficult or uninteresting to read. However, after reading Live Today Well it has become the easiest and my new favorite theological book I have read. It does a fantastic job in taking the various parts of a day a person will encounter, simplifies them, and guides the reader on how to apply St. Francis’ pathway to a devout life in their day. Another way is easier to read, is the short chapters is contains. In a world that is focused on immediate satisfaction and were people have diminishing attention spans, …show more content…

The goal of this examen is simply to gauge our growth today or as to become aware of those things on which we need to improve tomorrow. (Chapter 9: Reviewing our Daily Progress, Page 107) Before reading this book one practice I developed throughout college was saying a few prayers before bed. After reading Live Today Well, I now no longer just saw prayers but reflect on how my day went. Since I began doing this, a new apperception for my day has occurred. While in bed, I go through a process of pointing out key people and key events that altered my day. I pick out three people or events that I am grateful for and I choose thing that was negative about my day and set a plan on improving it for the next day. Naturally, I am a very positive person, and rarely does something bring me down. Since I have begun performing this new exercise I have become even more positive about where I am at and where I am going in life. This positivity I have, and continue to grow, has helped me spread it to other people and in reflecting on my day, I look to see if that positivity impacted any on a giving