Lizzie Borden Report

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Approximately 150 thousand people die every day all over the world, the World Health Organization reports (, 2017). Almost a third of these deaths are listed as homicides, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (, 2013).It seems obvious that Lizzie Borden committed the crime due to her relationship with her family, the evidence that was provided, and what she did with the rest of her life. The relationship between the Borden family members was challenging.For example,they do not greet each other with respect which is really odd. Two years before the incident happened Lizzie Borden and Abby Borden were nice to each other (Yetter, 2016). They had some respect for each other which is thoughtful since they are related.In addition, when a persondoes not call another person by their name it makes them feel low. Lizzie and Emma greeted their stepmother Abby as ''Mrs. Borden'' ( Editors, 2014). Calling someone by their last name makes them seem distant even though they are close.Additionally,Lizzie and Emma had some feelings for their parents after the murders. Lizzie and Emma set up a $5,000 reward …show more content…

Certainly,they were right to do so because, she had demonstrated suspicious behavior.Lizzie Borden tried to buy hydrogen cyanide (Miller, 2017).She was trying to plot, but failed epically.Furthermore,Lizzie tried to cover up her crimes.Lizzie burned a dress that she claimed was stained with old paint (A & E Television Networks,2014). Destruction of evidence is wrong in so many ways.In addition, after the trial she showed bad behavior.Lizzie Borden was accused of shoplifting in 1897 ( Editors, 2014).In her case everyone she knew turned against her and tried to get her in trouble for everything they could. In addition, after many trials and long investigations and tons of evidence Lizzie Borden got away with the murders of her

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