Long-Term Effects Of Poverty And Its Effects On Families

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It is said that poverty can have a long-term effect on families. This statement is true because families who are in poverty struggle for many years unless they can get help from others quick. Poverty can cause stress, tension, and can also cause the family to be dysfunctional. When there is poverty in a family, it can change the way the parents parent their children. It was found that lower- class parents focus on a child's behavior with immediate consequences and external characteristics (A. Driscoll/ N.G. Nagel, 2010). Unlike middle class families where parents explore their child attitudes based on their behavior (A. Driscoll/ N.G. Nagel, 2010). Not only does poverty have an effect on parents, but it can have a greater effect on kids physically, cognitively and affect their social-emotional development. …show more content…

Children who live in poverty can have unhealthy lives. The can have poor nutrition due to the fact that they may not have money for a decent amount of child. They also don’t have money to buy new clothes or clothes that actually fit them. In schools there are students who are higher, middle, or lower class students. Sometimes it can be hard to separate the lower class students from the middle class students depending on outfits or materials they have. In families who are lower class, the children tend to feel ashamed or embarrassed for how they live. When they come to school they wear the nicest clothes they have so others can not easily identify them as lower class students. Many times, young kids who live in poverty are malnourished and don’t look healthy due to their living