Looking For Alaska Essay

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I think the main message hidden behind the text is that miss imagining people and how that is the most destructive thing you can do to someone. I think this because the novel surrounds Alaska and how she affects those around her. Everyone has a general opinion on the people they know. The people that knew Alaska portrayed her as larger than life because she was spontaneous and adventurous and willing to risk her life to satisfy her friends. Although she did not care about others, she was really considerate towards other’s thoughts and feelings. Most people only got to know her on the outside but did not want to explore the depths of her mental and emotional personality. After her death, her friends were more intrigued to know her life through …show more content…

She prevented people from understanding her for who she really is. All her friends made these assumptions about her that clouded their judgment of her. All of their opinions of Alaska were heavily biased based on their thoughts towards the hobbies she had and the way she acted. This book has characteristics of how people judge others. If someone is outgoing, adventurous, and spontaneous, then they must be a happy, sociable people and if someone is quite, mysterious, and reserved, then they must be depressed and having troubles in life. These are all stereotypes in today’s society. We have a tendency to judge those around us based on first impressions. Your actions, words, opinions, and personality will give others the ability to categorize you as either a positive or negative influence. Once that first judgment is made, it is hard for someone to be willing to get to know someone for who they are on the inside. I think the story represents that people are categorized as stereotypes based on other’s first impression of them, but there are consequences towards those actions as it is an inaccurate