Lord Byron Research Paper

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Lord George Gordon Noel Byron

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” Says Lord Byron. 1 One of the most prominent writers from Europe was Lord Byron. His life is reflected in his writings, influenced by his upbringing and cultivated by those around him who added to the world through his writings.

Lord Byron was born under the name George Gordon Noel Byron on the 22nd of January 1788 in London. He was the son of Catherine Gordon Gight, who was poverty stricken-ed and from originally from Scotland. His father was Captain John “Mad Jack” Byron, who was a bit of a con artist. Although these where his parents they were mostly absent from his life. His mother was considered to be insane and his father was a male who preyed upon women that he thought who had money. He was raised by a nurse that abused him growing up. …show more content…

He was sent to Harrow Grammar School at the age of twelve where he encountered his first sexual encounters. Then he attended Trinity college off and on for a few years during that time he got involved with boxing, horse riding and gambling.2 He also attended the University of Cambridge. 3 It is said that he had a child with his half sister Augusta about 1814 and tried to marry Annabella Milbanke with whom he had a daughter in 1815.4 He was felt a lot of flak from his failed marriage to Annabella, owing people money and rumors of scandalous affairs. With all the controversy he left England to vacation with the Shelley family and had a child with Mary Shelley's half sister Claire