
Lord Capulets Fault In Romeo And Juliet

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Whose fault was it? “Hang! Beg ! Starve! Die in the streets!” This quote comes from the book Romeo and Juliet. Lord Capulet tells Juliet this because Juliet rejected Count Paris's proposal, Lady and Lord Capulet turn against Juliet in the most hateful and violent way imaginable. Some say that it was the capulets fault that their daughter killed herself to be with her beloved husband. Some people believe that the capulets wanted to protect their daughter and wanted to make sure that she married someone who could care and provide for her, but the capulets should've respected Juliet's wishes and listened to her when she was refusing to marry Paris. I believe that it was the capulets …show more content…

The capulets didn't care that Romeo and Juliet truly loved and cared for each other and wanted to be together. The capulet only cared about their social status and what other people would think of them if they were to see Romeo and Juliet together. For instance, in the book Romeo and Juliet lord capulet says to Juliet to “Hang! Beg! Starve! Die in the streets!” lord capulet says this to Juliet because he got fed up with Juliet refusing to marry count paris so instead of letting her be happy with someone she loves lord capulet threatens to disown her and throw her in the streets. This experience highlights. The theme of person vs society because the capulets unfortunately didn't care to see Juliet happy with someone she actually loved instead were worried about their reputation/social status and tried to force Juliet into marrying someone she didn't love like count paris. In conclusion, I'd like to blame the capulets for the death of Juliet because they went into forcing Juliet to marry within their own social status and didn’t consider how their child would feel about the …show more content…

My reason behind this is because the feud between the capulets and the montagues is what ultimately kept Romeo and Juliet from being together. Because of this Romeo and Juliet couldn't be together without serving some type of consequence, and if the parents were not too focussed on their feud then Romeo and Juliet would have been able to be together openly with their parents' support. Another reason is that the capulets tried forcing Juliet to marry someone she doesn't love. For instance we see that the capulets and montagues have been in a feud for decades because of this feud it ended up playing a major part in Romeo and Juliet's death and we see in the book lord capulet getting frustrated with Juliet for refusing to marry count paris, so lord capulet threatens Juliet to disown her and throw in the streets to die. In conclusion, I think that you shouldn't care about what people have to think about you or your relationship. You should do whatever makes you happy and stand for what you believe in. And don't let anybody tell you what you can or cannot do because at the end who’s really there?

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