Love Definition Essay

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Love is defined by most dictionaries as having a strong affection for others. Love is a feeling universally experienced, yet difficult to describe. The concept of “Love” holds many meanings, is unconditional, and is a sacrifice.

If the question “How do you define love” was asked among a group of people, each person would hold his or her own definition of love. For some, love would be a romantic attraction or sexual attraction, for example, love to a teenager is when he or she becomes attracted to the opposite sex. Love might be described by a family as a special bond or feeling of the heart, such as, a mother and her child hold a special bond or feeling of the heart that is unbreakable. The Bible could be described as selfless, for instance, 1 John 3:16 tells one that Jesus laid down his life that we may have life, and that one should do the same for his brother. …show more content…

A mother never abandons her love for her child, no matter the actions of the child. If a child completely disregards instructions of his or her parent, or receives poor grades in school, the mother of the child does not stop loving the child because of such. Similarly, a child continues to love his or her parents despite the mistakes that parents make. Many parents make mistakes while raising children (no one is perfect), but a child’s love does not waver for his or her parents. Much more, God’s love for people (His creation) is uninterrupted regardless of their imperfections. Romans 5:8 gives conformation, that He loves people even though they are imperfect, because it serves as a reminder that God showed his own love for us, even though we are sinners; Christ died for

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